
Her uncle and Inge have come, and IIRC her other niece as well. They took us somewhere, maybe Neuss, to do some shopping. For footwear, I had only the sandals made by Slave's dad, with that strap going around the thumb toe. The uncle insisted I should wear something formal and bought me some black shoes - really high quality, on which he insisted. When we got home, I had those archived and pretty much forgot about them until some eight years later.

Also bought some special bicycle ratchet, which held ten sizes on a single handle, from about 6mm to 17 or so. Used it a lot for a while, then it got lost. Tried to buy another one, couldn't find it anywhere. Then found where it got mislaid, and kept it at hand ever since. Now permanently in the toolbag in the car, though I rarely use it. As they say "you almost never need it, but when you do, you need it badly".

Crossed a river on some ferryboat, and had lunch in some place above the river, with the view of the port. I was wearing that silk jacket from China.

I think I was taking photos a lot, but both the negative and most of the shots were lost.

Mentions: Inge tanti, Radovan Tomić (Slave), in serbian