
(Place, tavern, firm, Yugoslavia)

First it was the oldwave group on sezam. Then it was the oldwave2, for whichever reason. The main reason for existence of it was to get hold of as much of the old music (i.e. 1964-1974) as possible. So CDs were exchanged, URLs to download from, sampling sessions were arranged etc.

When we all mostly stopped visiting there, we made a mailing list, which still exists, after at least one change of host. The meetings have mostly ceased, but generally the visit to jazz festival in Niš counts as such.

Notable members:

dEfendi, a music critic and once writer for several rock-oriented magazines, spending his retirement days in fixing cheap old machines for various lady friends. I didn't know how famous he was until he died

Kleks - who was once a big guy in computing in Niš, and has probably taught many of the next generation's bosses at least half of what they know. At some key point he stopped working to care about his ailing mother. When her retirement wasn't enough for both of them, he tried to get a job again, but then he was overqualified for some places, his connections have already retired or were relegated to places without influence... ended up driving a cab for the last few years until retirement.

Šanta - unrelated to the tavern - was the oldest, probably a dozen years older than me. Never met him, he died while we were in the US.

Mentions: 08-VIII-1995., 25-IV-2000., 22-X-2002., 15-VIII-2005., 20-XII-2007., 27-VI-2009., 05-IX-2009., 12-XII-2009., 25-VI-2010., 30-VI-2010., 05-VII-2010., 06-VII-2010., 26-VII-2010., 01-V-2011., 27-VII-2012., 15-VIII-2012., 16-VIII-2012., 21-VIII-2012., Bulgaria, 10-IX-2012., 21-VII-2013., 11-XII-2013., 08-I-2018., 07-V-2020., 18-I-2021., 18-III-2021., 02-IV-2021., Change of horses, 20-XI-2021., Walnut, gone, 27-XII-2021., 09-VII-2022., 15-VII-2022., 12-VIII-2022., 10-IX-2022., Božidar Sokolović (Boća), Dragojlo Kuntić (Kunta), house dictionary, sezam, Stinge, in serbian