
Slavica reported that she had found dad on the floor. He was quite drunk and had crawled all over the house (found slippers in different rooms), made a considerable mess. She cleaned up first and only then called us.

Stanley and I went by in the afternoon, he wanted to say goodbye to the old man. He and Paja helped him get up from the couch and sit (or vice versa), even took him to pee. Dad wasn't in much of a shape. Claimed he doesn't know how he fell, which is his usual codeword for going overboard with brandy. The six liters of plum I brought him in december haven't lasted more than three weeks. He may have mixed up what's whose (his private brandy and Vanji's brandy for sale) but I guess not - he'd fill his half litter bottle ahead of time, knowing what he's doing then.

In the evening, Go and Stanley took Anita for one last walk together. The snow was falling and it was just a nice evening. We talked with both Nina and Lena on skype.

Mentions: Anita Jennifer Berger (Anita), Gorana Sredljević (Go), Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Paja Čkaljević, Slavica Istra, Stanley Berger, Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), in serbian