
Finally, my second external flash since 1974. I've spent a whole evening last friday shopping around for whatever Canon has, but I was getting seriously frustrated. The 320 is too weak, the 430 is almost there but costs a lot, and the 600 is pretty much what I'd want but costs just a tad less than the camera body itself. So I went to the website of the guy who sold me the camera last year, and decided that I actually don't want to buy anything extra from Canon - that's where they get you. Remember the ink for the Pixma printer, which cost 60€ a pop on a 90€ printer, and then we'd print like 20 sheets a year and whoops - you're out of ink. It's intelligent enough to understand that I don't print enough, so it declares the ink gone (and well so is the printer - we gave it to Lena, along with the 3rd party refill cartridges and ink that Ender found). So I opted for a Nissin Di600, which ranks along with Canon's 600 but then costs about three times less. Yesterday I called the guy, and he said he doesn't have it anymore, sells something (didn't quite get the name) which is even cheaper and a bit stronger, and has a few more options - so OK, if it's some shit I'll get him through Škrba who recommended him, and perhaps it's not as bad.

Today it arrived - a cheap chinese knockoff, but done well, with the remote plus battery charger. The thing is dang strong and I pretty much tried the whole series of my favorite flash gimmicks - even better, back then I was limited by the length of my hand, now I can just leave the flash on a shelf somewhere and fire it remotely.

Woke up at around 3, nose congested. Didn't go back to sleep.

Ubuntu started freezing at random. The music still keeps playing for a while, sometimes for a good part of an hour. Several things were updated recently, the OS is 17.10 (i.e. october 2017), where they cleaned up a few major things, the Firefox just recently switched to version 57 - they removed the old addon engine, enforced new, and now several addons stopped working for a while, then came back partially, but... the foxclocks being the worst (which I use to know the time on either coast and at Das's), because it now doesn't display on the status bar but draws its own on the bottom of each page, to the effect that on several sites (maps, RHMZ weather) the page comes up blank). So it'll be a few days of investigating, hope I won't have to learn too much.

(epilogue: firefox is taken over, Mozilla is now a corporation; switched to Waterfox, which is still the open version, and after a few updates became quite stable and look at it, it all works; that's on zmajček - on other machines it's still Firefox; foxclocks is gone, I know them timezones by heart)

Mentions: Ender Aquila (Ender), Gradivoj Škrbić (Škrba), Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Mohandas Raj (Das), zmajček, in serbian