
Talked with Nina in the morning this time - she's usually rather busy throughout the day and calls in her evening, as the babies take their last suck before getting asleep for the night. They got through the procedure at the embassy to get them added to her passport. Had to bring proof that they are indeed their children, not local ones being smuggled out. She had ample evidence - so they got it all without a problem.

Lena and Milan came for the usual lunch, with proper soup with our homemade noodles, karađorđeva šnicla and even a reform cake. She just couldn't keep her secret so she blurted out that she's using this time of no job to not just finish that college, but also to pass the driver's exam. She already passed the theory test, and is now learning the practical driving.

He practically completed my sentence when I was describing the case when you get a request to make something that won't work, is designed for morons by an imbecile or vice versa, and you just can't get it into the designer's head that it's bad... then for a revenge you do "...exactly what they wanted, to the last bit, they had it coming".

The cherries (one sour, three sweet) on the street are in full blossom. johana (the queen cat) finally showed up as they were leaving, so we stayed out for a while.

Mentions: Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Johana, Milan Nastić, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), in serbian