
We spent most of yesterday tracking Lena's trip. It took quite a while, because each overlay (Amsterdam and Atlanta) was about three hours. Today we finally saw her in Nina's house.

And, btw, the house is now completely hers. She just paid the last of her mortgage, and now waits for new title, with "no lien" clause on it. A couple of days later she pulled a graph of her account... the debt was visibly declining over the year, and the credit was rising (with a few exceptions, like at the time of birth, when it stalled). She went out of the red pretty much when he died, as the remainder of his student loan was simply annulled (and that was about a quarter of all debt). And the household cost went down by half - the usual amount used to be about 1000$, now it's about 250 a month. She keeps finding things he bought and never used or kept hidden; the things she knew about that he bought, used for a while and then discarded are just as many, if not more. But in the end, of stuff he owned there's just one car, a PC and a bunch of car tools. Which she may be able to sell at some point.

He was just a strange guy. We can't understand, from our culture, how they think. And there are some signs that his parents aren't too different.

We are making noodles, for the soup, spaghetti etc, so we have them when the house fills. It occupies the kitchen for a couple of hours, then the whole big room while we make them, then one couch for the night or two until they dry. No way we can do that with house full of kids. So do it beforehand.

I finally took myself on my word and started riding my bike for 30-40 minutes after work, at least while the work ends before dark. Then I may just install that chinese shitty light with four step switch where the fourth step, off, doesn't work. So I have to open it and move one battery to make it shut off. I usually go to the bus station, where they're replacing the traffic light with yet another roundabout. Which seems to be huge, judging by the how much they dig. They seem to displace the shitduct and a few other things, because the pipes would surely break soon if all those trucks go marching over them. The street is the main B corridor for trucks who don't want to pay toll on the main A (Niš-Belgrade-Subotica-Budapest). I keep taking shots.

Mentions: Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), in serbian