13-II-2020.: Second twirthday

Called Prleski yesterday. The guy didn't answer at first; on a repeat call, an hour later, he did and said his majstors are still painting and won't be finished for a couple of days. Sorry 'bout that, just nowhere to work.

Well, then, she went on and made the cake. Cakes, that is, two somewhat smaller ones. With 20 eggs each, as in the legendary joke about the woman from Čurda (he was soo good and fine... he had twelve eggs...). I helped stir the yolks for a few minutes, the rest she managed. Of course, she went for a web search for the recipe, so I found one she liked (I read it aloud) and then went on and did more or less as it said. Except, of course, she put only third of the prescribed sugar, and in the end should have gone for a fourth or a fifth. The people seem to be crazy about sugar these days. The new stick mixer from Lidl worked just fine (also made homemade majonez for the russian salad).

Turned out that the guests will arrive after 17, which means 18, so we had the time to take the girls for a walk. The bicycles were off, the tires still flat since our last ride to the railway station. We still think this was an act of random anger by just about anyone, though such people usually do more damage, not a tiny prickhole which flattens the tires overnight.

So, stroller it is. It's becoming hard to maneuver, as the front wheels don't swivel properly because their axles aren't exactly vertical, the frame doesn't stretch completely. And the girls seem to be somewhat heavier, though the scale doesn't say so - Sanda is still at 10kg and Linda at 9,5 just like a month ago.

I ordered barbecue from the same joint we mostly visit when going to garden, 1kg of ćevapčići, 1kg of kebab (chicken, rolled in bacon) and 2kg of mixed meat, knowing how many people we expect. The russian salad was ready, so I didn't take any salad with it. Just in case, she chopped a small bowl of onions, it being the traditional barbecue salad here, but no - nobody touched the onions, the russian was just perfect.

As expected, the first batch of guests came just around 18 - Dragan with his father (mother had a headache), Jagoda and Milan, Boba with Milena. Lena and Milan came a few minutes later. I served the best apricot from last year (and I was enjoying it too much so wasn't fast enough with refills, she warned me post festum). The chat was good and zigzagged between the usual culinary - web - drink - programming - reminiscences - anecdotes. Everything was said and nothing was completed, as it should be.

The kids, all six of them, had fun in the (ex-)yellow room, specially with the big yoga ball, now that the slide was gone. Alternately, they'd sit on the couch and play something on the console.

Eventually, the cakes were served.

We packed a quarter of one cake for Lena to take with her, plus all the eggs we had at the moment. The bacon will come later.

Mentions: Čurda, ćevapčići, Dobrivoj Gunaroši (Boba), Dragan Umljanić, homemade, Jagoda Umljanić, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Linda Sredljevich Aquilla (Linda), majstor, Milan Nastić, Milan Umljanić, Milena Požarić, Prleski, Sanda Sredljević Aquilla (Sanda), in serbian