
Went to the courthouse with Go to transfer the ownership of the house to her. This is our way of giving the wealth to our daughters - Go gets the house, Nina got 50K$, gets the Matrix and everything in the house. For Lena, it will be whatever we have in Serbia and possibly Undersville. So we know we provided for our children and prevent any future inheritance dispute - though none seem the kind to initiate one; this is mostly for our peace of mind.

I've never been in the area, didn't need anything from them. It's all huge, spacious, a university cum fortress, cameras everywhere and a few uniformed carriers of short barrels*. Finding the right place to go was relatively easy. We spent a few minutes in the library in the basement of the court, where the registrar sent us, looking for a clause somewhere in the 58.1-800 section of the law - the Virginia state tax exemption code - to find why are we tax exempt. Couldn't find the 'gift deed' because of my method of skimming, it wasn't listed anywhere on a beginning of a paragraph, but rather on the right edge. The librarian lady found it for us, saved the day. She also explained that "consideration" means "amount" in this context. What the fuck.

I found it funny that the lady's name was Loreli, reading low-reh-lye, from german Lorelei. So it happens that parents bequeath upon you a name from a different language, which they misspell. Phonetic writing sneaks upon you when you least expect it... I kept my mouth shut, of course.

Bought more vitamins to take home, mostly for dad.

On the job... Hana briought a bunch of test results, namely „only 4 FogBugz cases closed since March 23 (aside from the CAAR and SHET cases): F#1230 Appts Resources list can be reordered F#1264 Query Designer Lab Statistics Fields (LCW) F#1355 Add Comments dialog goes behind the Order form F#1394 QD - Multiple Observations on the same day return a mix of scoring values Are some cases missing from this list?“. David's resident girlfriend was translating Feds into italian and claims it didn't save her work... well, did here. So I spoke with her and scheduled a session for the next day to see how it goes on on her end. He, OTOH, is packing, the Eshre convention in Rome is in a couple of days.

Most of my work these days is on the web app, with George, hitting it in parallel - he's doing some things, I'm doing some other. He's on it for a few hours a week, his contract having expired long ago, but he's still on this, just in a limited capacity. We're still using the Trish and Peter's ConnEngine (aka Brakin) classes, which we used eight years ago on eHosp project... and they haven't gotten any better or easier to handle. Comparing the 2002 and 2010 version, I see there's a lot of different error checking, so that an error returns an object containing all the info about what happened, so the caller can at least output some useful debugging information, be it in a desktop or a web app (would have a different way of output, from the same object). Still, it was all so unwieldy and so much of it was hardcoded and interconnected in a weird way... and it couldn't handle joins. Something that would be a simple SPT (sequel-pass-through) updatable cursor, like what I had in 2004-2006, would be so much simpler and more usable. Well, we'll live with this. George said this was battle tested - that it is, but still it's not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

I mean even yesterday I had to comment out an importand class and replace it with a simpler one, so I could debug WTF was going on when adding a new record (!).

In the afternoon made a few cadres of F160s flying overhead. I have better shots than this somewhere, this is from Fujica's video, which is in veegyay resolution, 640x480.

Talked with mom and dad over skype, somehow managed to send them the image of all three girls, made at the wedding.


* just tried to imagine a rifle with an oil barrel... or rainwater barrel.

Mentions: CAAR, ConnEngine, David Berton, eHosp, Feds, Fujica, George Whiteley, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Hana Burberry, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Peter Branow, SHET, Tricia Deakin (Trish), Undersville, in serbian