Version 1.1


In case you navigated elsewhere and got here instead, it's a feature in Byo version 1.1. There should be some historical distance, as experienced by some folks on burundi, who kept reading until the current date ( (15-VII-2022.), and also Lena, whose friend read it like that and learned things which she shouldn't have.

So, as of 10-IX-2022., I'm introducing this distance. As Lena said, two years is just about enough. The way I sketched out the code (wrote it in text, haven't quite tried it yet, hope to do tomorrow), the pages will be somewhat hidden - anything that's a date newer than two years won't appear in the navigation bar on the left. If, however, a link in the text points to such a page and you click it, you should be redirected here. And this is the explanation.

The link in the previous paragraph will become active on 10th of september 2024, or at least that's how I think it should work.

Just thinking how this experiment turned into some kind of, ahem, live book. Here and there I talk with my readers, and some of the conversation spills back into the book itself. To differ from a real book, there's no wait for the next edition, or let's say that there's an update two or three times a week, and each version differs from the previous by just a bit. And it now has all of it, just that the most recent dates have to be waited out until they can be read.

Mentions: 15-VII-2022., 10-IX-2022., burundi, Byo (Byo), Jelena Sredljević (Lena), in serbian