
I'm now wearing thin snug sweaters that she's knitting on the vilhelmina. Mostly blue, or blue and white with hi rez patterns on the shoulders.

To Čankovo to check on the kittens. She picked a sack of mouseweed for the hens. The kittens are alive, healthy and merry, no problems. The gable in the rear of the house lost a few more planks, and now any stronger wind can just raise the tiles on the front side. Rear is done with biber tiles, which go in two layers, unliftable. The front, however, is the new, grooved, single layer type.

On the way back we swung by Arpi, as he told us the hams and the rest were ready. We bought that in Idea*, because we got a tip from him that they have them - two hams, two slabs of ribs, two slabs of bacon. We never stepped into that Idea, because they arranged the shelves in such a way that you had to walk the whole shop, see all the shelves, in order to get out. Well fuck yourselves, find some other mice for your experiments, you won't do them on me.

He salted and smoked them properly, as per his new recipe. It's much faster this way, and the taste is divine. We packed one ham deeper into the freezer, the rest on top, and now we can take it slowly from there.

Later we asked him how did he cut the ribs so smoothly, there's not a shard of a bone anywhere, it's all flat and straight, what did he do there? Well, said, I learned that from you. When you once told me how you cut the bathtub with the reciprocating saw (v. 30-IX-2007.), I said why not cut the bones with that. Tried and it worked swimmingly.

Nina & co are in California, should be in LA tomorrow. Ender promised to fix aunt's car...

Lena managed to buy dollars yesterday, in some exchange office which had them. Everyone has euros, swiss franks, but nobody wants to mess with dollars, because the Fed wants full trace, serial numbers of each banknote, or else the country gets blacklisted as terrorists' laundromat. And she and Milan will now go to a trip over Taiwan, Vietnam and Cambodia.

Eva is closing her nursing home for health reasons, i.e. her husband's parents have died, and she saw one uncle die too, and she just can't take it. We'll have to move oma soon. Already found one, in a backstreet behind Springfield. Not the same standard of comfort, but one of the staff remembers oma from the first home, and the staff generally looks good.


* this is engrbian, it's not called Ideja, it's Idea, and we assume the spelling is intentional and should be respected. I guess it would be read with a different accent, like Nivea.

Mentions: 30-IX-2007., 17-X-2022., Arpad Gunaroši (Arpi), Čankovo, Ender Aquila (Ender), engrbian, Eva, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Milan Nastić, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), oma, Springfield, vilhelmina, in serbian