Arpi (Arpad Gunaroši)

(Person, Yugoslavia)

Zeta's brother. Exactly two years younger, but by the time the nurses looked up the clock, it was a couple of minutes past midnight, so officially it's two years and a day. He was supposed to be a car mechanic, but attended some other courses at some point and so became an oil driller. His workplace was al arround the area, mostly between here and romanian border.

First marriage didn't last, mostly because of his mother-in-law's kleinbürger ambitions. Married again a few years later, got two kids, plus the one she brought in.

September 2016, that other marriage is also going down the drain, she lifted anchors and found a better sponsor.

December 2018, the divorce was probably already final, just that he still had to fullfill the financial obligations; the alimony wasn't much but took sixth of his retirement check, plus he had to buy her firewood for the whole winter, and to pay her half the house - which he may have done by fixing and selling oma's house, perhaps in the spring, after some serious fixing up. Because Boba (their son) said "do whatever you want, but I'd be sorry to see the house go". Which was altogether too much for him when she brought the new guy to Silvija's 30th birthday.

He died of general heart-liver-kidney complications, 10-jan-2019.

„You live well, eat cooked regularly? Stool orderly?“

The other one is about walking a small female hog through Tirana, untranslatable because of the fake hungarian serbian.

Mentions: 06-V-1973., 19-VIII-1973., 31-XII-1973., Doček at Mariška's, 13-I-1974., Korni grupa only tonight, 27-I-1974., 06-II-1974., 01-IV-1974., 02-VII-1975., 05-VII-1975., 07-VII-1975., 08-VII-1975., until about 24th, 26-VIII-1976., 19-I-1977., 23-VIII-1977., 26-XI-1977., july 1978., 26-VII-1978., 19-XI-1978., 27-XI-1978., december 1978., 17-III-1979., We're married, 25-VIII-1980., 30-VIII-1980., june 1981., 23-VIII-1982., 05-XI-1983., 25-XI-1984., august 1986., 29-IV-1987., july 1987., Finally, some walls, 24-X-1987., 26-X-1988., 23-V-1991., 27-III-1992., 16-IV-1998., 20-VII-1998., 11-XI-1999., 22-VII-2001., 01-IX-2001., 20-IX-2001., 02-IV-2002., 30-VII-2005., 01-VIII-2005., 09-VIII-2005., 21-II-2011., 27-III-2011., 08-VIII-2011., Mom's funeral, 29-XI-2011., 30-XI-2011., 28-I-2012., 04-III-2012., 04-V-2012., 05-V-2012., 04-IX-2012., 09-I-2013., 24-I-2013., 02-VI-2013., 28-VIII-2013., 16-IX-2013., 05-VII-2014., 24-VII-2014., 09-XI-2014., 03-VIII-2015., 03-X-2015., The big lunch, 30-XI-2015., 04-XII-2015., 15-I-2016., 19-I-2016., laptop batteries, 21-II-2016., 29-VII-2016., 12-VIII-2016., 12-IX-2016., 18-IX-2016., 18-X-2016., They are here, 22-XI-2016., 23-XI-2016., 09-XII-2016., 03-I-2017., 19-I-2017., 25-V-2017., 26-V-2017., 05-VII-2017., 29-VIII-2017., 03-IX-2017., 19-X-2017., 30-X-2017., 02-XI-2017., 25-XI-2017., 28-XI-2017., 09-XII-2017., 31-XII-2017., 12-I-2018., 17-IV-2018., 28-IV-2018., 02-V-2018., 25-V-2018., 28-V-2018., 21-VI-2018., 13-VIII-2018., Man, the van, 18-IX-2018., 16-X-2018., 26-X-2018., 21-XI-2018., 03-XII-2018., 08-XII-2018., 30-XII-2018., 04-I-2019., 06-I-2019., 10-I-2019., 12-I-2019., 24-I-2019., I sing, 22-VIII-2019., and the next two days, 04-I-2020., 31-I-2020., 30-III-2020., 20-X-2020., 30-XI-2020., 24-XII-2020., 12-VII-2021., 23-X-2021., Brata Avramov, Dobrivoj Gunaroši (Boba), Dragan Umljanić, Jež, Milorad Škanata (Mire), oma, Rozeta Gunaroši (Zeta), Ružica, Silvija Umljanić, Velemir Prokin (Čarga), Višnja, in serbian