
Chatting with Lena - she's on the job at Prodise. Comes for the weekend. We've stopped stoking the boiler, using just AC now, and the little area heater is now in Čankovo, so the yellow room may be a tad colder. She said they keep the terrace door open in the office, just had a sparrow come under her desk.

With Geoff, monitoring the generated SMS - since the only way to know how many messages, and which ones, haven't gone, and whether there are any systemic tricks to rerun them in batches (what we'd do) and leave the handful of oddballs for the staff to resend manually. Tiresome and eyestraining task, as we'd have to go over them in simple browse windows, poring over rows and rows of messages, trying to catch anything that's out of order. Today we agreed to do them separately, on alternating weeks. It seems the problem is getting smaller, we don't have to be both on it at the same time.

Another run of conversion for that belgian clinic (one of six or seven, and they're all the same, complicated, with nutty approach to data before we came, and weird bureaucracy)... so I'm putting together all the good stuff I wrote so far, for importing the csv or xls files, into one readsheets.prg, which would be the importing engine.

G55.3, i.e. third meeting of the org committee for the big maturski. Didn't make too many shots during the meeting, and I guess I didn't make it to the bus either - I'm out of shape in that department, lost the feeling of when the next bus will come, so it surprised me. Lost it by 100m, so I walked. Made a few nice shots around the bridge, actually under it.

This is a three-parter autopatch. The bottom right quarter is missing, because there was nothing there on what to focus, eos40 can't focus in the dark. So okay, it has a dark corner, so what - the dark corner is present on the scene too. So it's a photorealistic absence.

Present on the few shots I made inside pivnica is Prle, don't know who else from those that have names here; I know a few others, but actually mostly from these meetings.

On 1st, we went to Čankovo to sow the green peas. I.e. she did that, and I did something else. The cherries we planted on 22nd, out on the street, are holding and seem to take root. We'll see. We brought a pot of beans and reheated it - the gas botle and two-plate rešo is now a permanent fixture there.

Zeki rolled in, and had, as usual, a bunch of useful ideas on what we could do and how we should do it. The unspoken reply remained „if you're so smart and full of ideas, why didn't YOU do it first?“. And something about how easy it is to shakedown the brambles with someone else's dick. [this is an actual proverb here]

This being almost 16:00 when he was about to leave, he tried to get a cigarette. Sorry man, we didn't bring enough, this is the last couple that we're smoking at the moment, the tozna is empty. „But what about that pack of Best you have in the kitchen window?“. Wow, we forgot about that. If we ever can't find something, we should ask him where it could be - he knows everything we have, far better than we do. We have no interest in looking for a chance to borrow it or just get it, he does, so he's motivated where we aren't.

The milk debt is now at 600,8 liters.

He's been a few weeks in the mud spa in Melenci, met Đorđe Marjanović there. Saw him a bit while they were checking the rooms. Says that Đorđe flutters a lot when speaking, his sentences aren't coming out exactly right... when addressing males. When he's got a female kid in front of himself, the sentences simply slide :).

Mentions: Čankovo, eos40, Geoff Gearney, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Jovan Dimijan (Zeki), maturski parastos, pivnica, Prle Tanin, Prodise, rešo, tozna, in serbian