Burt (Reginald Burton Cape)

(Person, USA)

It all started with my question on UT, some time in 1997 or 98, "why are there no villages in the US". He replied with private email explaining in length how does any place get to be called town. We kept on exchanging emails for years to come, and eventually met some time in 1999. For a number of years, Beatrice was our pen pal.

He graduated physics and piano, in a typical quirk of American educational system, and ended up coding in fox first, then Access. For a while he played keyboards in the housemates band, but wouldn't stay for the rehearsals when he had booked a trip with his father, so he didn't last in the band.

Wears his hair long, jowl and belly wide, enjoys food. As a bachelor, now over 50 already, never mentioned drinking, smoking, dope or anything stronger (but didn't want to work for narcs, i.e. a lab doing drug tests), girls/boys/whatever. Confesses that his vice is sugar. And is borderline autistic, which is an excuse for just about every gaffe he makes.

While we were in the US, he visited several times, and then when we were about to leave, we visited him. Then he visited again, here in Serbia.

Mentions: Sources, 28-VIII-1998., 10-IX-1998., 05-XII-1998., 25-III-1999., 03-IX-1999., 04-IX-1999., 13-IX-1999., 19-IX-1999., 04-X-1999., 24-X-1999., 11-XI-1999., 25-XII-1999., 17-V-2000., 23-VI-2000., 30-VII-2000., 19-XII-2000., 22-VII-2001., 03-VIII-2001., 01-IX-2001., 15-IX-2001., 18-XI-2001., 20-VI-2003., 14-I-2004., 02-II-2004., 27-III-2004., 02-VIII-2004., 15-VIII-2004., 20-VII-2007., 04-VIII-2007., 28-IV-2008., 08-VIII-2009., 12-XII-2009., 20-III-2010., 21-III-2010., 01-IV-2010., 05-IV-2010., 05-VII-2010., 07-XII-2010., 05-X-2013., 12-X-2013., 16-IV-2014., He came, 17-IV-2014., Second day, 06-VI-2018., 27-XII-2020., 24-II-2024., Beatrice Palmieri, fox, Zyanna, in serbian