
(App, USA)

The programming language, database, IDE and runtime for database apps. Initially made by Fox software and dr. Dave, then got bought by m$. Just search the web, there are volumes of history to it.

My history with it - met it 1989 when we founded the DBA. Around 1991 the then mFoxPlus (m being for multiuser aka networked aka file sharing kind of RDBMS) got upgraded to FP1.01, then 1.02, then perhaps in 1992 to 2.0. In 1994, while working for Szoftex, got my hands on 2.6 and also 2.6 for windowses. In 1995 got some beta version of VFP3. Around 1997 got the 5.0 and in 1998 a beta of 6.0 (on a CD with a bunch of other stuff published on a czech conference, where alert.prg was featured.

Got v7 from Ford when Zero dissolved. Got v8 from either Berix or Orion, then 9 from David - all as parting gifts.

Used it until retirement, for 30 years.

The abbreviations used throughout the text:

mFox - actually foxPlus multiuser, 1.2 - what we used 1989-91.

no abbreviation that I remember, but there was a version for unix/xenix, which was used by exactly three customers of DBA

FP - in use some of 1990 and then all the way through 1994, FoxPro, 1.01, 1.02 and 2.0

FPD - FoxPro Dos - versions 2.5 (briefly, few weeks in august 1994), then 2.6 and soon 2.6a (with some codepage related stuff).

FPU - FoxPro Unix, that I never saw

FPW - we had only 2.6a, but there was a 2.5 too - same as FPD, only for (then W3.1 and W3.11) windowses. This one almost worked, and many have found use for it. We did only a version of DentoSys in it, and then were so happy that nobody wanted it.

Mentions: january 1989., Interest calculus, 01-IV-1989., 10-IV-1989., september 1989., 04-X-1989., 07-I-1990., 20-I-1990., 13-IV-1990., 02-IV-1991., 20-XI-1992., 20-VIII-1993., 02-II-1994., 22-IV-1994., 08-V-1994., 20-VI-1994., 19-IX-1994., 17-X-1994., 10-XII-1994., 18-XII-1994., 27-II-1995., 06-III-1995., 27-III-1995., 17-IV-1995., 24-IV-1995., 01-V-1995., 11-I-1996., 28-II-1996., 05-VII-1997., 22-V-1998., 09-VI-1998., 01-IX-1998., 10-X-1998., 16-XI-1998., 29-I-1999., 09-III-1999., 12-III-1999., 25-VI-1999., 20-XII-1999., 17-II-2000., 06-III-2000., 15-IV-2000., 09-XII-2000., 27-XII-2000., 10-I-2001., 05-IV-2001., 17-V-2001., 09-VI-2001., 28-VII-2001., 06-IX-2001., 11-IX-2001., 15-IX-2001., 03-XII-2001., 12-I-2002., 27-IV-2002., Fox Essentials, 01-X-2002., 29-I-2003., 10-III-2003., 25-III-2003., 12-X-2003., 13-X-2003., 20-X-2003., 27-I-2004., 02-II-2004., 11-II-2004., 07-III-2004., 16-V-2004., 02-VI-2004., 13-VII-2004., 05-X-2004., 15-X-2004., 23-XI-2004., 09-V-2005., 07-VII-2005., 29-VII-2005., 27-III-2006., 04-VI-2006., 10-II-2007., 21-II-2007., 09-III-2007., 27-IV-2007., 30-IX-2007., 04-X-2007., 15-X-2007., 18-X-2007., 27-XI-2007., 28-XI-2007., 10-IX-2008., 29-XII-2008., 04-II-2009., 23-II-2009., 02-VI-2009., 24-VI-2009., 27-VI-2009., 16-VII-2009., 25-VII-2009., 05-XII-2009., 26-I-2010., 05-IV-2010., 16-IV-2010., 15-V-2010., 07-VII-2010., 10-VII-2010., 10-VIII-2010., 15-XII-2010., 21-VII-2011., 17-X-2011., 26-II-2012., 06-XI-2012., 15-I-2013., 28-X-2013., 25-XII-2013., 11-II-2014., 14-X-2014., 09-XI-2014., 15-XI-2014., 25-IV-2016., 12-VIII-2016., 23-IX-2016., 25-II-2017., 04-III-2017., 07-IV-2019., 29-VII-2019., 13-VIII-2019., 15-XI-2019., 04-III-2020., 16-III-2020., 28-III-2020., 04-IV-2020., 11-VI-2020., 07-VI-2021., 20-VI-2021., 04-XI-2021., 03-XII-2021., 11-V-2022., 10-VI-2022., 19-VI-2022., 27-IV-2023., 29-V-2023., 24-VI-2023., 20-VII-2023., 05-X-2023., 10-XI-2023., 02-IV-2024., Aleksandar Raskov (Sale), alert.prg, Allan Robin (Ford), Beatrice Palmieri, Byo (Byo), Cecilia Roxbury (Berix), ConnEngine, David Krakovski, DBA, DentoSys, dijeta, dosBox, EnergoPro, Gemenc Polyclinic, GenerAll, George Whiteley, Gradivoj Sredljević, Grant Laurel, Hossy, Jake Bauer, Jo Wolk, Kristin Peiser, Majkrosoft (m$), MTV, Nick Greene, Orionware (Orion), Paige S Stevenson, rebfpt.prg, Reginald Burton Cape (Burt),, slovima, Szoftex, Tina Diamond, Tricia Deakin (Trish), UbiquAgora (UA), unosc.prg, upFeds, USquad, Version 1.3, VFE, VPM, whilfest, Zero Distance (Zero), Željko Nikolović, in serbian