
Finally made that call to the bank in Hungary and scheduled a pickup of cash in Szeged, next monday. She was in Čankovo. She took our regular cab (with my special Zeppelin ringtone finally coming useful when Telekom announced that he got back online, a couple of minutes after the first attempt at calling), filled it with crates with saplings and went off. So... she couldn't help me with the call, and my Hungarian was rather rusty. But I made it through the call, with only a few blunders that I fixed as I went (and probably a few more I didn't notice). Even more finally, I called the interpreter to get Lena's high school diploma translated.

My blunder was a story to itself... I said „kés pénz“ instead of „kész pénz“... Slight nuance in difference, instead of „ready money“ I said „knife money“.

And the translator was done two days later, but we picked the translation only on 11th. The translator being semiliterate („mozete doci po prevod“ - haircut latin, should be „možete doći“), the translation was just as bad, but then exactly the shoddy work was a guarantee of authenticity, as in „must be some big school, see them using such complicated vocabulary“.

Mentions: Čankovo, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), in serbian