
johana got kittens. We don't know where exactly - checked the basement, nada, she can't get to the attic. Puzzle. She's visibly deflated. Only yesterday she looked like kulen-swallowed-švargla.

Lena took us to the exhibition at pinovavila, where her piece was the midget from Twin Peaks with "let's dance" written mirrored, and the zigzag pattern on his floor extending to the actual hardwood floor beneath, or remains thereof.

We took the cab, and it turned to Tika again. He asked "how much money did you give me yesterday" and I said "I counted five kay and then thought that I must have missed the pocket when I was shoving the rest back". "Nope, you gave me seven... that's why I rushed when I heard your address being anounced... look, I got only 1000 here, just starting the work for today, but I'll drop by your place tomorrow with the rest".

He actually came back five minutes later with the rest of the money - had another ride, or borrowed from someone, who knows. Ender and Stanley were amazed that such an honest cabbie exists.

One of the artists exhibiting there was the daughter of Sredljak, and incidentally her name is two last characters shorter than Nina's. She drew a minefield on the floor - patterned after the minesweeper game.

An autopatch, from my phone.

An autopatch, from my phone.

Trying to find a place to eat, we found that the good place we remember from 2005 is now closed... and ended in hotel in the city center. There was a wedding in the smaller hall. The big room was practically empty - one table was taken, staff sat by the other. It's quite posh now, but times are tough, and them earning four star rating doesn't fill the tables, even on a saturday night. The dinner was rich, but c'mon, if you serve mixed meat from a barbecue, what's a wiener doing in there? Can't buy a decent sausage? Oh, the times.

Pasa came by and I paid the bills for the previous month and the rent for the current for the apartment in Belgrade.

Go, Lena and Stanley went back to the villa, aka "museum of destruction", while the rest of us strolled down the main street. Raja had a meal on the old Republic square (which is now Đinđić square, as I learned a few days later), and then we caught a cab. The three came late. Hard is the life of us artists.

Mentions: Ender Aquila (Ender), Gorana Sredljević (Go), Gradivoj Sredljev (Sredljak), Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Johana, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), pinovavila, Ryu (Raja), Spasenija Višnjić (Pasa), Stanley Berger, švargla, Tika, in serbian