Raja (Ryu)

(Person, USA)

Our first grandson, by Nina and Ender. Growing really nice, with a fine mix of asian features and balkan bones. Hair darker than hers but lighter than his. Asian eyes with Nina's curiosity peeking through. Will be interesting to watch him grow.

Was a really chubby baby and then toddler. By age of about four he grew thin, with gangly legs and thin fingers, pretty similar to his mom at the age. His hair is shiny, strong and can take weeks without washing, doesn't tangle, it's heavy and self-straightening. He wore it rather long until age of 8, then realized that haircut doesn't hurt.

Mentions: 25-III-2011., Grandparents, 27-III-2011., 10-V-2011., 14-V-2011., 02-VI-2011., 07-VI-2011., 10-VIII-2011., 23-VIII-2011., 17-X-2011., 05-XI-2011., 21-XII-2011., 23-XII-2011., 11-I-2012., 28-I-2012., 02-II-2012., 06-II-2012., 15-II-2012., 26-II-2012., 04-III-2012., 23-IV-2012., 26-VIII-2012., 09-I-2013., 18-I-2013., 22-I-2013., 24-I-2013., 02-II-2013., 15-II-2013., 21-VIII-2013., 18-IX-2013., His first steps, 11-II-2014., 25-III-2014., 02-IV-2014., 12-IV-2014., 17-V-2014., Second day, 19-IX-2014., 14-X-2014., 16-X-2014., 25-X-2014., 15-XI-2014., 23-XI-2014., 16-XII-2014., 09-IX-2015., 14-IX-2015., 21-IX-2015., 25-IX-2015., 03-X-2015., The big lunch, 15-X-2015., 19-I-2016., laptop batteries, 25-III-2016., 02-V-2016., 20-VIII-2016., 18-X-2016., They are here, 22-XI-2016., 23-XI-2016., 05-XII-2016., 07-XII-2016., 17-XII-2016., 19-XII-2016., 29-XII-2017., 13-II-2018., 28-IV-2018., 12-VI-2018., 10-XI-2018., 11-XI-2018., 25-XI-2018., 08-XII-2018., 25-XII-2018., 30-XII-2018., 12-I-2019., 21-III-2019., 25-III-2019., 19-IV-2019., 04-V-2019., 13-V-2019., 04-VI-2019., 13-VII-2019., 23-VII-2019., 26-VII-2019., 28-VII-2019., Unofficially retired, 10-IX-2019., 23-XI-2019., 30-XI-2019., 05-XII-2019., 23-III-2020., 28-III-2020., 04-IV-2020., 04-V-2020., 07-V-2020., 21-V-2020., 22-V-2020., 01-VI-2020., 11-VI-2020., 04-VII-2020., 13-VII-2020., 21-VII-2020., 12-VIII-2020., 06-IX-2020., 08-IX-2020., 30-XI-2020., 02-XII-2020., 27-XII-2020., 13-II-2021., Tworthday, 03-III-2021., 02-IV-2021., Change of horses, 20-VI-2021., 10-VII-2021., The wedding, 12-VII-2021., 20-VII-2021., 26-VII-2021., 09-VIII-2021., 01-IX-2021., 18-IX-2021., The other annual party, 04-X-2021., 15-X-2021., 23-X-2021., 04-XI-2021., 20-XI-2021., Walnut, gone, 12-XII-2021., 22-XII-2021., 27-XII-2021., 14-I-2022., 31-I-2022., 25-II-2022., 14-III-2022., 25-III-2022., 13-IV-2022., 11-V-2022., 29-V-2022., 10-VI-2022., 19-VI-2022., 26-IX-2022., 07-X-2022., 17-X-2022., 07-XI-2022., 16-XII-2022., 01-I-2023., 11-I-2023., 16-I-2023., 21-I-2023., 02-II-2023., 19-II-2023., 17-III-2023., 22-III-2023., 04-IV-2023., 13-IV-2023., 27-IV-2023., 06-V-2023., 13-V-2023., 21-V-2023., 29-V-2023., 07-VI-2023., 20-VII-2023., 24-VII-2023., 06-VIII-2023., 08-VIII-2023., 21-VIII-2023., 18-IX-2023., 30-IX-2023., 02-X-2023., 12-X-2023., 16-X-2023., 22-X-2023., 10-XI-2023., 19-XI-2023., 01-XII-2023., 18-XII-2023., 31-XII-2023., 13-I-2024., 25-I-2024., 05-II-2024., 16-II-2024., 24-II-2024., 11-III-2024., 17-III-2024., 24-III-2024., 14-IV-2024., Ender Aquila (Ender), Gradivoj Sredljević, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Rozeta Gunaroši (Zeta), Violet, zmajček, in serbian