Slave (Radovan Tomić)

(Person, Yugoslavia)

My roommate '76-78. I was the kum at his wedding (and Paja was the official tie tier there first).

Took to teaching even before he actually graduated, barely made his way to a diploma while there was still people who'd hold exams for our programme. Then programmed for a number of years, then back to school. Their older daughter is also a mathematician.

Mentions: 04-X-1976., 01-XI-1976., december 1976., 16-XII-1976., 31-I-1977., march 1977., 14-IV-1977., may 1977., 18-VI-1977., 06-VII-1977., 23-VIII-1977., 10-X-1977., 20-X-1977., 10-XI-1977., december 1977., 22-II-1978., 23-II-1978., 25-II-1978., 27-IV-1978., 24-VI-1978., 27-XI-1978., june 1980., 01-IX-1980., 15-VI-1990., 05-XII-2004., homemade, Jorge Delgado, kum, Mališa Borkovski (Borko), Paja Ćurčić, sGradlj, in serbian