Vasa Šančev

(Person, Yugoslavia)

One of the guys Zmaj, he was in the VIII3.

He graduated mechanical engineering, shipbuilding. For a numer of years there were only two such guys in the city, and Dženk was the other, just three blocks from him.

He worked in The Shipyard (if it had any other name, never cared to remember it, probably named after the city or the river), then in the nineties went to open up a private shipyard somewhere in Bulgaria.

Played guitar. Last I heard, divorced.

Mentions: 13-XII-1969., 13-IX-1970., 19-VIII-1972., 01-IX-1972., 06-IX-1972., 21-IX-1972., 29-IX-1972., 27-X-1972., Sound system, 06-I-1973., 21-I-1973., 24-I-1973., 06-V-1973., 27-I-1974., 13-VII-1976., 18-VII-1976., 22-VII-1976., 30-VII-1976., 25-VIII-1980., 30-XI-2001., 13-VII-2004., Gradivoj Jankulov (Dženk), Lela, ruža, VIII2, VIII3, Zmaj, in serbian