
Played lorum with the girls on 25th. Lena is crazy good, and didn't even acquire a habit to hold her cards close. Like she was born to it. The best kick of the evening was when she imitated my style of dealing the cards.

George Harrison threw the spoon. We're in A-burg, weather is just right for this kind of a day - snotty cloudy, neither rain nor cold nor nice, just snotty. We're driving over the hill, via Park street, to Belmont area, where there's a grocery with local supplies - some cheese, vegetables, peanuts, all locally grown.

My feelings are sort of mixed. Yes, this was the guy whose album I bought in early 1971 (or late 70 - winter or something equally gray like now) next after the Hair album, eternally pissed off at Jugoton for not publishing the third record, it was only a double. Now I had the full tripac in my posession and just left it with a few dozens of other records which were just too much to carry to this apartment. Third record was just crap, leftovers. And it wasn't even put together in a way which would make sense, like I did with 8mm film leftovers in '73 when I made the "and what was later" (i.e. what happened, if translated by sense).

And some of George's music is still on my playlist even now, near the end of 2008. It's actually their christmas (yup, the swarm is already up), so we're having a quiet day. Which brings me to the main reason why I didn't like George all that much. OK, "All things must pass", first two records, are a great album, the sound is magnificent, the latest remaster has all the rich sound that I first heard when I tried it on Vasa's clunky stereo back then... but I still can't get over the contradiction between a rocker and a religious guy. Rock was the art of rebellion, right? They were the guys who'd push a revolution through, specially the Beatles, right? They actually did it, well, lot of it. And this guy whines about his master, sugary master. Or was it imaginary friend, savoury imaginary friend. C'mon, your pal was the working class hero, and you... were from the same band, but remembered too late you were living in the material world? Not helping the cause, if you had yours... other than to tell the people that your imaginary friend doesn't think they got him right. But you'll set it straight. Sex, yeah, drugs, sometime, rock'n'roll... sort of. We don't have to, really, we're the Beatles.

The other reason I had a special place for him was that of all the music I ever played in my room, "Apple scruffs" was the only one my grandmother liked. Maybe there was something about that harmonica with leg tapping.

And I've even put "Run of the mill" back on my playlist, despite the text. But the openly religious stuff has just vanished. I respect George in a way, but I have more respect for my own feelings - and they say, this guy has betrayed rock and went to his imaginary friend. So, just wah-wah and a couple more. Done.

As for work, I've revisited the assets, a bit. That was a part of learning for possible web stuff that I may have to do once I'm with Berix. And, re VEC (Virginia employment commission):

I have to go on Monday to sign a statement that I've found a job which would start later, and they give me a four-week job search waiver. It's just like that - I guess the reason behind this simplicity is that if after four weeks I wanted to change my mind, I'd have to jump through some hoops, but as long as I say "send four more checks and then forget about me", it's fine with them.

And she's sending me a CD with framework stuff - the framework I have to learn before I start working on january 1st. OK, 3rd.

Mentions: Annenburg (A-burg), assets app, Cecilia Roxbury (Berix), Jelena Sredljević (Lena), lorum, Vasa Šančev, in serbian