
Back at Nena's shop, Rile found that I have bent several pins on the processor. Straightened them out and it all works now, but we agree that this motherboard is shit. I'll get a better one on monday, once I get rid of my IDE drives. There's the old 40G drive that holds only boot.ini and ntldr, and... well, I can't get the old system past the disk checking anyway, so reinstall is due.

Stayed until 2:00 reinstalling the W2003 and stuff. The supplied drivers won't install on 64-bit, so I had to download fresh ones from Asus's site. The zmajček is now named zmycheck5.

The motherboard was replaced on 24th. On 25th we bought a woodworker's lathe, at the same place where I bought my bicycle. Bad luck, some part seems to be missing and we never used it. (... 25 words...) Visited dad, something was amiss with his PC, so I went to check it out. Wow. I immediately decided to just rebuild his machine from my old motherboard. Not trusting W2k or XP to be up to task, I installed the 2003 server, it should be more robust and less prone to BSODs etc.

But really, look at this piece of shit. Whoever shoved this on him, with just a 1.7GHz Celeron and a whopping 96M (!) of memory... it's a miracle that we saw each other over skype last couple of years.

And the disk... whopping 9,5G. I had a 2G in my box twelve years ago, and only eight years ago I got a 90 G late in the evening, on a whim, almost from a kiosk. How everybody loves to dump their garbage and make good money on clueless laymen...

On 23rd we took some milk we got from Zeki to Lena. Cooked it right away. Rich cream. She showed us her first drawings and paintings from the class.

Went for a stroll around town afterwards, at dusk - Cvijićeva, bulevar (boulevard), Vuk. I kept her pocket Fujica and she kept mine. I guess they did some shopping.

This corner that we passed while taking a shortcut to Cvijićeva, is fantabulous. It's got everyting. There's a „Mordor d.o.o.“ (an LLC). There's an Adratic street, all narrow, uphill and curvy as it should be. And this example of how little Đokica imagined that everything will be nicer in capitalism, because a capitalist is a steward of his property and has an interest in keeping it in shape... yeah, right. This guy renovated his part of the front, and then run out of fucks to give for the rest.

On the bulevar we dropped by a poshy cakeshop for a snack, not really hungry but rather wishing to sit and rest our feet. I remembered to order a chestnut puree, which I haven't seen since seventy four or six, and Lena wanted a čiskejk (cheesecake). Not even similar, that's not cheese, and the majstor didn't see a chestnut tree this year. But its address is on the bulevar, and the price was even modest.

In the evening we chatted with Go and Stanley. They carried us, that is the laptop, through the whole house, so we can see where they live. Even took us into the shower cabin, so we saw how we looked in that environment. Strewn around the house are various beemer seats, he's tinkering with them, putting clunkers together and then selling them at some good margin.

On 30th a neighbor, metal lathe specialist, welded three old lathe knives into a 70x70mm square, and welded a handle to it, thus creating a proper wrench to unscrew those nuts. We replaced the pump within the hour, including the emptying and refilling of the tubes. It being a sunday, Lena was here for lunch, then she sat in the yard, drew a little, petted Donald a little. He grew quite big already, with rich thick fur, like a bear.

Mentions: Donald, Fujica, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Jovan Dimijan (Zeki), majstor, Nevena Žaja (Nena), Rista Stančulov (Rile), Stanley Berger, zmajček, in serbian