Jüzek (Yisaac Kwiatnik)

(Person, Belgium)

Aka The Big Smurf. Owned UniJewel while not actually owning it - he and his brother owned a diamond outfit in Belgium, and this was an extended division of the group, allegedly independent. Of course, he appointed the CEO (first his son-in-law, then some colonnel from IDF, who somehow didn't have any trouble with visas, green cards, labor permits etc).

I actually didn't have much contact with him, except that day when we negotiated. I bargained hard, and he seemed to like my negotiating skills, so we both got what we wanted.

He's actually two years younger than I, but looks older by sheer volume - he must weigh around 110kg. And he wears, of course, white linnen shirts and black suits, classic hassidic style.

Mentions: 06-II-2004., 11-II-2004., 30-III-2004., 15-VIII-2004., 24-VIII-2004., 02-IX-2004., 12-IX-2004., 15-X-2004., 26-II-2005., 10-V-2006., UniJewel, in serbian