
My first entry on Škrba's "the essence of solitaire" blog was the first part of "History of solitaire", i.e. how I wrote the solitaire game. It covers the period between june 1983 and it seems I have completely skipped the enhanced version which ran under BetaBasic on Spectrum, because I have no idea when was that.

Johana bore three kittens last night. After four a year ago (to the date, including the leap year day!), and eight last september, we expected either twelve or sixteen. Nice little blind mice. I didn't want to disturb her, so I took the pics only today, and of course had to upload them to Go's ftp, so Lena can see them. The expectant future owner of (at least one of them), some guy from her class, was informed even before I took the pictures.

We two are on a strict diet, eating mostly pork, butter, hard full fat cheese, raw full milk we get from Zeki, bacon, young onions from Čankovo and the bread she started baking again (with her own culture of yeast she let develop from airborne germs). And we are losing weight. The current joke is "how much more would we have to stuff ourselves with before we get thin?".

We aren't overweight, actually. After the wedding last weekend I went all the way up to 83kg, and am now at around 81,5, which is pretty good, considering I was at 79,5 +0,5 during my 4th year of college. But that one year of not smoking pushed me up to 90, which I did reach a few times (and backed off the next day each time), and no matter what I did, it wouldn't go below 88. Coming back to Serbia got me back to normal.

I specifically took a photo of the piglet hindquarter, roasted and half eaten, in the plek. The color of the skin was just as perfect as its taste and crunchiness.

We exracted the first 100 liters of milk from Zeki - two days ago the debt fell below 900 liters.

Mentions: Čankovo, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Gradivoj Škrbić (Škrba), Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Johana, Jovan Dimijan (Zeki), plek, solitaire, in serbian