
The Corolla didn't want to unlock when we wanted to go home. maybe too early, there was a bit of frost and fog. Luckily, she unlocked the right door, which wouldn't unlock for months now. The photos after this one were overexposed, because I switched the Fujica to some special setting for dark and forgot to set it back until we arrived at Undersville.

This was a breakfast somewhere around Floyd. The whole area has a strong Twin Peaks vibe, probably just like any slightly mountainous area there. Maybe this is the true old America.

We had some eggs and sausage, Lena had american pancake with maple syrup. Damn good coffee (yup, I'm embellishing this text in february 2022. amidst my quintennial round of rewatching Twin Peaks), didn't go for any pie. And this is not wainscotting, this is a wholly wooden cabin of a restaurant. Everything is made of wood, except perhaps the waitress.

Saw many roadkill raccoons and half a dozen deer. Failed to kill ours - I tapped the brakes on time, and she just turned back and walked into the woods.

Bought another bushel of apples, now on the west side of Appalachies, just a few miles before Undersville. Three times, no, four times cheaper than here in the grocery, and actually at least twice as good - not knocked around and beginning to rot. And the tomato tastes like tomato.

Visited the house once more, drove around a bit, tried to guess the exact layout of the lot, took more pictures, then drove home. Failed to take a turn for the beltway around Danville, but then it's not congested at all and the bridges look cool. Excellent day for a ride, the last jerk of summer. We made about 90 pictures (200 the previous day).

Got a message from the agent when we got home - and yes, we got it. Talked with Go over Skype, all in good spirits.

Mentions: Fujica, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Undersville, in serbian