
The masons are up, 2nd day in a row. The upstairs is being built, finally. By noon, the walls on the norhtwest side were waist high, on the average, and about knee high in the middle. The front side will have to wait until they fill in the piece of the staircase hole, where the little kitchen will be.

Neša ate the first ripe tomato that he picked straight off the stalk. Seemed quite delicious, by his reaction.

This is not the synthetic junk they sell in the US and now here as well. Anything sold before august is probably shit with a vile taste, consistency of a pumpkin, and nice color on the outside. I haven't eaten more than three tomatos this year, and for two of those I was sorry I did. Now it's coming to roost.

sGradlj.com reached 100.000 visits. We had sarma for lunch - she thawed some leaves from the freezer. After we ate, I took to dad his share. He again sort of insists that we visit on saturday, when he's arranging a two-year remembrance for mom. First off, it's three days ahead of the date; second, this is not even a tradition. Of course the priest will gladly take the money. It's probably dad's second nature to invent events and duties for everybody else. He may be too old to get out of any of his habits, but on the other hand he calmly accepted when I sort of yelled at him for planning a wreath of Ivandan flowers for our house. "It is put on houses on that day" was no excuse, I said - "it is put on the houses of members, which I am not and won't be and just keep my house out of it". When we arrived three years ago, there was a 12mm screw in the wall to the left of the entrance, with a withered wreath hanging on it. How they assume they own the whole world, it really pisses me off.

Mentions: Nenad Berger (Neša), sarma, sGradlj.com, in serbian