
(recorded this while I walked with Lena in the park, went to pick some grass for Chu and Tik and enjoy the fair weather. The ex ray for Chu arrived yesterday, has a bladder stone... which is irrelevant for what I was talking about)

I started meddling with various old man's passtimes. I'm gathering, recording, making collections... because I don't play chess, most probably. And it's been a while since I last went into making something big, you know, like... those two companies I made, or the software heroics in the likes of PolC in Hungary and so on... or this with Gary which I... why? Because if you want to make something big, sooner or later you'll ran afoul of some corporation. If nothing else, they'll try to buy you. Uless they fuck you up in the meantime to the point where you can't do anything anyway.

It's a battle which is not worth engaging in at all, because, when the line is drawn, I will not kill and they will. That's what it comes down to. And because the open source is the solution. They can invent fifteen ways to take away your knowledge, their fabled eye pee, to take it just to be able to charge for it. And if you open it... aaaa blyyyy pfffsszzzzzt... they can go picture themselves.

At Lena's school, yet another pearl of an event when Lena was the only one in class knowing their parents' pop culture, I guess because she keeps asking about the songs she hears in the car, those that she likes. Already happened in fifth grade that someone was drumming with his hands, and the teacher said „dial it down, Ringo“, and then she was the only one who knew who Ringo was. Then they all had to find the other three Beatles, for homework, and she was the only one who did all three. This time too, some teacher (in serbian, and if high school, a professor) said "Donovan would say they call me..." - and she was the only one who knew it was "mellow yellow".

Mentions: Chu, Gary Brandywine, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), PolC, Tik Tak, in serbian