
I don't know how we survived this. We dried the green peas and onions in the Excalibur (the gadget never earned a nickname) to pack it in vacuumed bags. Peas went fine, nothing horrible, butt onion... it bites your eyes, worse than when chopped, we couldn't stay in the house. We opened both the front and rear door, and went outside whenever we could. It passed eventually, and we swore never to do this again, at least not inside.

I see we switched to filteruša (filtered coffee). After so many years we finally went native, and it ain't bad, except we held to one good habit from back home. We may skimp on many things, drive second hand cars, refuse to buy many things but rather roll our own instead, many a thing may go, but the coffee must be among the best. In this kneading* that's Kroger's columbian, somewhat darker roasted. When we found that one, we just stopped lookng further, and didn't care that it was somewhat more expensive than the others.

Laura likes the upFeds... well finally there's something she does. And Hana agrees, says it runs smoothly. Though, it's still not complete, because, here, I wrote this in the communal chat: „the nasty part is still something to think of - the "rebuild and append any table at will" because of the referential integrity issues - will we have to just erase all the RI code, do the table, recreate the code (and that's easy, upFeds has the script to do that already)... or maybe there's a simpler way. Or this is the simpler way... OK, this is my note, sorry for using this chat as scratchpad :)“

Just found this note, among the work notes on the left side of my L desk:

How I found it actually quite insane to call any file "a document". Isn't it something invented by m$... IIRC? Until then, a document was something you showed to a cop, or what was used to write history from. Umm... this may be a bit older, I remember when Worstar was able to write dry text, which was called textual mode, and somewhat formatted, which was called document mode. Maybe hence, and it got unleashed later.

Contractual tuberculosis.

Science freaction.

We're about to watch Poirot in "Dumb witness" tonight (finished watching first year of Twin Peaks last night). Blurb: "...Poirot finds himself enlisting help of a clever terrier dog...". Smart. Anyone who engages against a smart dog in a commercial piece is doomed. Onscreen, smart dogs always win.

BTW, just yesterday, we cancelled TV. We aren't watching it at all, so why pay. It just so happened that I remembered that the first installment of CSI (ξ ;) Las Vegas, the last and only remaining thing we were watching, was on. I took my position on the floor, remote in hand, and asked if anyone wants to watch. Naah... no takers. And I'm not really into it, not that I'd watch it alone. And the duty of muting it every six minutes for the commercials then outweighs the entertainment. Next day I asked whether anyone is watching anything on TV. Again, no takers. So in the afternoon I just went to the nearby Cox outlet and canceled the TV service. Bye.

Now that we don't smoke inside (because they're giving Lena some shit at school, (... 36 words...)), the last cigarette happens around 1:30 by the back door. And there we spot two guys, by the corner in that bekeli (back alley :), pulling a car on a tow truck, the kind that mechanics use. Looked like funny business, specially by how quiet they were. Even more suspicious was that we saw them repeat it a week later. We never found out what this was.


* an old temporal unit, when making bread in a family cooperative was periodical. A larger amount of dough was kneaded into loaves and they were then baked at a proper fire. It didn't make sense to do this every day, so the period between two such events was called „mešnja“ - a kneading.

Mentions: Hana Burberry, Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Laura O'Hare, Majkrosoft (m$), upFeds, in serbian