
Направио сам нешто гужве на УАу што сам окачио ово. Наредних дана је било нешто расправе - да ли оставити поруку или не, је ли подобно да се окачи или не, и јесмо ли ми Срби звери и колико.

Гледајући то сад (2010), видим да је тема одмах закључана, и одговоре није примао. Расправа је била у другој теми.

Ово је политичка порука. Молим не одговарајте опширно, не желим још једну дугу тему овде.

Не волим да то овде радим, али само овде ме знају, и надам се да ме Алфонс неће избацити због овог; ако и буде тако, будућност мог бављења фоксом уопште је ионако неизвесна. Не марим и ако ова порука поживи само пар сати на УАу. Осећам моралну обавезу да бар пробам док имамо приступ Мрежи, а и добро изражава и моје ставове.

Имејлом ме замолио виртуелни другар са сезам ББСа (кога знам већ осам година) да налепим овај текст где знам. Ако не желите да знате било шта о овом, слободно бришите/прескочите ову поруку. ОК, ево је, убацујем како сам је добио (са сезама):


Форум, Југославија.6739, р.и.с.т.а.

(1.6739) Пет 09/10/1998 21:48, 4040 chr

:: Не будите лењи...


...проследите овај документ на *што више* адреса у иностранству, што релевантнијих - то боље! На располагању су верзије у разлиеитим текстуалним форматима, и на неколико језика.

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AGAINST bombing

AGAINST violence

AGAINST isolation and pauperization

FOR compromise

FOR implementation of the UN Resolution

FOR economic and social prosperity


Coming to the power, today's regime used Kosovo crisis to inflame the lowest national feelings which, in addition to other effects, resulted in the break of former Yugoslavia, wars on its' territory, pauperization of citizens and enrichment of new people in power and their allies.

For the whole decade, our country refused to solve the problem of Kosovo. Moreover, the police oppression and incapability of the officials to initiate essential problem solving resulted in armored rebellion of Kosovo Albanians. As a reply to this violence, in order to stop it, the police sometimes used brutal and excessive measures. Innocent civilians from both sides were the ones to suffer the most in this clash.

Consequently, NATO is threatening with air strikes and the culmination of Kosovo crisis is before us. Facing the possibility of military intervention, we stand before crucial moments for our society. We plead against bombing because:

- we are afraid for lives of our citizens and fear consequences of destruction caused by bombing;

- we feel that bombing, as means, is not a proper way to achieve political goals, as it can only result in new violence and possible spreading of crisis to the whole region;

- it introduces the principle of collective guilt, thus punishing the whole nation instead of introducing sanctions aimed personally against those in power;

- we feel that air strikes against Yugoslavia would not result in democratization of the society. To the contrary, in the long run they would ruin every democratic potential in Serbia, and discredit reforming policy of authorities in power in Montenegro.

- we are of the opinion that bombing of Serbia would result in bigger radicalization and radicalism would obtain the grounds for theories of conspiracy we are subjected to for years, which help them govern in the name of their own personal interests. The threat by the Serbian Government that it would deal with its’ “disobedient” citizens already points to this.

We demand that authorities in Serbia and Yugoslavia meet the requirements of the UN Security Council Resolution No. 1199. We expect the same from the political leaders of Kosovo Albanians. The Resolution requires not more then:

- immediate cessation of all actions by the security forces and terrorist actions of armored groups of Albanians;

- withdrawal of security units used for civilian repression and condemnation of terrorist actions by the Kosovo Albanian leadership;

- immediate meaningful dialogue and political solution to the issue of Kosovo;

We remind that all this has already been accepted by Milosevic-Yeltsin agreement. We oppose bombing and demand satisfaction of the UN Resolution requirements. In addition, we also demand that Serbia takes firm step towards economic and social prosperity, with cooperation with the world. It goes without saying that the prime interest of the state is that its' each citizen lives better, therefore we feel that our actions and demands present the highest and responsible patriotism.



United Youth is newly created movement which gathers activists, groups and individuals with different political stands, from a great number of youth and student organizations from Serbia and Montenegro: Student Union, Student Federation, Student Parliament, Anti-War Campaign, AEGEE-Belgrade, SKC of Montenegro, European Association of Youth (Serbia),...

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"разлиеитим" је било "различитим", али приликом неког редовног зајеба са незападним словима у текућим верзијама пенџерија, č је замењивано лигатуром ae* или само са e.


* не, ае је било за ћ, за ч је ишло е́, па се и цртица изгубила

Спомиње се: Алфонс д'Алшембер, сезам, УбикАгора, фокс, на енглеском