
sezam has a magazine as well, and it seems I wrote an article for them („fox 6 is out!“), and I expected the deal to go through by converting my fee into months of subscription. Got an email from them stating that things don't work that way and so I gave them her giro account number, and they sent the money to it. Wasn't much, but didn't hurt either. Later, in another message, "you will be written down in history as the first guy ever who sent a text in HTML!".

From Greg: "Sorry to hear about the latest news from Yugo. Also sorry about the normal government delays here, but it really is nothing to be concerned about -- it does not indicate problems. In fact, my guess is that they say no quickly -- yet take a while to process a yes and get all the signatures on the paperwork.

As to her and Hungary, she might as well open the account whenever she first gets a convenient time to go to Hungary and do so.

Glad to hear about your face -- I'm sure you're as beautiful as ever, again!"

The latter was about one of my teeth, which crumbled gradually (the old amalgam fillings I got as a kid/teenager started gradually falling out after all that bromide in the soup while I was in the vojska, and then pieces started falling off the teeth) and now the root was inflamed. She fed me some antibiotics so it passed within a few days. I still won't see a dentist for another six years.

Apropose rock nostalAgy, the guys at the office gave me, as a parting (though I have no clue when will it be) gift, Janjatović's Encyclopedia :).

On 2nd of february: now it turned out that my issue fell into hands of some moron who can't quite see clearly whether the PMF is really a college, and whether I had an equivalent of american high school when I enrolled there. This will cost them a few hundred bucks extra for an independent assessor (I didn't want to bet that the assessor was the moron's brother, may be a sister), plus a month's delay. They are cunting and sitting in meetings, cursing the government. What can I do, but cunt with them :)

Mentions: fox, Greg Reubenthal, sezam, vojska, in serbian

19-III-2014 - 27-VI-2024