Greg Reubenthal

(Person, USA)

Company was Zero, and he was one of the owners (the other two were Ford and Pete).

He's not really the bald fat Jew he told me to expect, not fat. Funny guy, most of the time, and he may have pulled the project through, but there were too many others who were pulling in different directions. He did have an intellectual sense of humor, i.e. he was able to get most of our jokes, and could counter most of mine.

He owned a part of his wife's (a Scot) restaurant, Muffia, on the same street (and shopping center) where Zero was. It was closer to a cafe than to a tavern, though they also had some real food, though nothing complicated nor requiring big pots - sandwiches, some roast but poultry only. A specially murky job was how they hired her, Go and Nina, to work there, intermittently and off the books, pretending to do us a favor. Which ended when she stopped paying. Because then she refused to go to work when it was sort of urgent, because she didn't get paid for the previous two days. The wife made a scene on the phone and didn't call again. We ended up kind of even, because I also never paid for Go's PC... though somehow I think they weren't at a loss. But then what a combination the two were, how did they ever get together.

Lost track of him after the breakup of Zero. He googled me out once in 2004 or 2005, and we almost arranged a meeting (he was a hockey refferee, even with his knee that he had to operate in 2000, when they had trouble getting him off the anesthetics, nearly died), but it took until late 2007 to finally see him again.

One last meeting was in september 2009, when we visited A-burg. We looked like a couple of old comedians, trying out gags for the next show, except it was completely spontaneous and just too rapid for a rehearsal.

„you guys are too smart for this country“

„is Lena still smarter than me?“

„the retired love this street, with university hospital on one end and cemetery at the other, everything nearby“

Mentions: 29-XI-1998., 03-XII-1998., 05-XII-1998., 30-XII-1998., 31-XII-1998., 03-I-1999., 08-I-1999., 19-I-1999., Mrzing, 29-I-1999., 10-II-1999., 25-III-1999., 29-III-1999., 25-VI-1999., 25-VII-1999., 12-VIII-1999., 03-IX-1999., 04-IX-1999., 05-IX-1999., Off we go, 06-IX-1999., 07-IX-1999., 08-IX-1999., 09-IX-1999., 10-IX-1999., 13-IX-1999., 16-IX-1999., 20-IX-1999., 27-IX-1999., 04-X-1999., 18-X-1999., 15-XI-1999., 16-XI-1999., 25-XI-1999., 26-XI-1999., 03-XII-1999., 09-XII-1999., 25-XII-1999., 02-I-2000., 10-I-2000., 17-II-2000., 31-III-2000., 11-VII-2000., 28-VII-2000., 15-VIII-2000., 27-IX-2000., 01-XII-2000., 10-I-2001., 02-II-2001., 31-V-2001., 11-VIII-2001., 31-VIII-2001., 03-XII-2001., 27-VIII-2002., 04-III-2003., 05-II-2004., 28-VI-2004., 04-XI-2007., 04-IX-2009., Agfa, Allan Robin (Ford), Annenburg (A-burg), Gorana Sredljević (Go), Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Pete Citroën, Poozhoe, Zero Distance (Zero), in serbian

1-VI-2007 - 23-VI-2024