
Wrote on sezam

"During a single day (9-XI) I've heard all kinds - that 1 DEM is anywhere between 400.000 and 1.500.000 (and a case when it went by two meleons). Why? The day before they published the NCR or whachamacallit.

Just hearing now that the giral rate is being revoked. I'm vividly interested in how they mean to do that while maintaining the impossibility of exchanging cheques for cash and other limitations. And if they invent that cheque is money again and make all other transactions instantaneous (!), they'll cut down what little forest is left to print the ghilliards."

"You can screw an intelligent man only six times on the same trick (circulates around the office)" (among favorite proverbs from Brata)

"Now look at this scenario: ten days before the elections they revoke the sanctions to us. Sloba celebrates a few days, but on election day everyone sees that we aren't doing any better. Sloba falls."

Response: "I posted the first part of scenario in one of the first messages about elections. Only Sloba will not fall but will stay on horse and may even evolve into some Ante Marković."

Mentions: Brata Avramov, sezam, in serbian