Brata Avramov

(Person, Yugoslavia)

Worked in DBA from month one (not the day). Was mostly in charge of the payroll app, which is the dumping ground for older programmers. Nobody likes to do that, as the regulations changed from month to month - the gov't trying to limit them, the self-managing folks trying to find loopholes to steal back what gov't was taking from their hard-earned profits, then another loophole would get stopped, then another found... And OTOH, once you're branded as the payroll guy, you are always busy with that and don't get to do much else.

At some point in the later nineties, he split away with Blaža and they formed a separate company, probably taking code and customers with them. They didn't stay bought.

Saw him last 16-IX-2017. - he was the first neighbor of Jasmina. He died in 2018. Now he's neighbor with Arpi. Seeing as there's only one burial lot between theirs, this must have been end of the year.

„You can fool a smart guy by the same trick only six times“

„I'm not stupid at all, I only look so because I'm married for so long“

„One learns as long as one lives, and still dies stupid“

Mentions: 10-IV-1989., 20-IV-1989., 01-V-1989., 18-V-1989., 22-VI-1989., 16-X-1989., november 1989., 07-I-1990., 13-IV-1990., 11-V-1990., february 1991., Hatching corollas, june 1991., 12-VII-1991., june 1992., 20-VI-1992., 14-VIII-1993., 14-XI-1993., 17-XI-1993., 14-I-1994., 08-IV-1994., 30-XI-1994., 28-II-1996., 09-VI-2001., 18-IX-2003., Isabel hurricane, 26-VIII-2010., 16-IX-2017., 22-VIII-2019., and the next two days, 31-I-2020., 24-II-2024., Aleksandar Raskov (Sale), Arpad Gunaroši (Arpi), Blagoje Vrbović (Blaža), DBA, Jasmina Vlajin, klaanca, payroll, in serbian