(Person, USA)

A guy from UA, who was a dot-net shill for Microsoft, probably paid to disrupt the community and bring as many warm bodies to dot net camp as possible. He went into heavy disputes with George over vs fox several times, and these disputes got heavier and heavier each time, the words were less and less picked, to the point when he was kind of banned from the UA and George abstained from the forum (or vice versa?).

He eventually left programming and became a lawyer (!). Last I heard was that he finished that carreer as well and went into some other kind of project, don't remember what.

Mentions: 27-XII-2000., 12-I-2002., 12-X-2003., 02-VII-2004., 05-VII-2004., 03-II-2008., fox, George Whiteley, UbiquAgora (UA), in serbian