
The papers still didn't arrive, so I still drive the old Corolla. They kept painting the sky all morning, and by noon the sun was nowhere to be seen. Sure, the rain came in the evening, but I'm not sure it would be as much and as early without help.

Lena had a consultation with her chemistry teacher about the project, and asked whether she'd get points taken off if she would miss some of the deadlines. Of course you would, such are the rules. Well, I sort of don't care, since even all of these extra AP courses I took were for nothing... and then told her the situation. Professor was getting gradually very angry - at her own country - for this, and said she'd see with her cousin, who's some pair of balls at the DHS. Not holding our breath, and not changing our plans either. What can he do? And, besides, we don't want any favors, we want to be equal and legal.

Today I ordered her the glassware for her experiment, one soxhlet (a somewhat complicated distillery) and a bottom flask, 113,89$. It arrived later, in one piece.

Before sleeping, had one from dad's bottles (could be Nina's wedding brandy) with Nina and Ender.

The customer in Australia is testing my trick for having multiple connectstrings. They have two networks, so half the workstations connect to the escuel server from one, half from the other. We kept the string in a text file so far, now that file has multiple lines, and Feds reads another file upon start, looking for a line with its workstation name and a number. If it finds it, that number is the number of the line with connectstring in the first file. If not, it tries each line in turn. When it finds one which connects, it writes its name and the line's ordinal number into the second file. Seems as simple as beans, but I had to explain it an incredible number of times to folks ar Firriver. The trick came out handy for my own use later, when I had to try things against multiple databases - I'd have all their connectstrings in the first file and then simply change the number in my line in second file as needed. Of course, there was always someone who'd overwrite the whole first file with some oneliner from somewhere, and I'd go from scratch.

This time the guy who tested it in Ozzieland was on top. On top of the list of ignorants in the matter. It got complicated. First he said he tested it and it worked, then a few days later reports that nothing works.

Turns out that four workstations used the wrong string. Something changed somewhere.

There was some platoon meeting, Daniel was hosting, but there's only five minutes of recording and of text there's only complaints (from me and Das) about losing connection and coming back.

In SHET I added more validation rules. Wrote most of them in june, now adding more where needed. I even have a generator which writes a script with functions, one rule one function. Some fields have multiple rules, some functions call common functions, so it's not exactly one on one.

Mentions: Daniel Berton, Ender Aquila (Ender), Feds, Firriver Fertility (Firriver), Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Mohandas Raj (Das), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), SHET, in serbian