Ender (Ender Aquila)

(Person, USA)

Nina's boyfriend around 2007. Big guy, funny, could be a good car mechanic but he's trying to keep that as a hobby and do something else, like being a network admin or a tennis trainer. He's been through a number of jobs; he would regularly get fired from them throughout 2008/9 because he was on some medication which made him sleepy and susceptible to colds and sunshine... Jeremija. Actually, he frequently fell asleep during a conversation. We eventually got him off those meds and he not only survived, but very much went back to normal.

As of the time he and Nina got married, he was working at Advance auto parts, enjoying the work and being the favorite seller there. Part time, though, but with good chances of going full... which didn't materialize because of internal strife between the two shops where he worked. He quit for a while, then came back months later, about the end of 2011 when Nina lost her job.

Died after waking up quite normal in the morning, but suffering a stroke later in the day, 28-apr-2018, on Philippines. Left five children - Eleese (from first marriage), Raja, Violet, Sanda and Linda.

Mentions: 26-XI-2006., 17-II-2007., 15-VII-2007., 23-VII-2007., 29-VII-2007., 06-VIII-2007., 15-I-2008., 24-I-2008., 04-III-2008., 05-VII-2008., 03-X-2008., 08-X-2008., 31-X-2008., 03-XI-2008., 08-XI-2008., 21-XI-2008., 06-XII-2008., 04-III-2009., 16-V-2009., 02-VI-2009., 10-VII-2009., 11-VII-2009., 16-VII-2009., 25-VII-2009., 08-VIII-2009., 04-IX-2009., 05-IX-2009., 06-X-2009., 12-XI-2009., 26-XI-2009., 28-XI-2009., 05-XII-2009., 06-XII-2009., 08-XII-2009., 12-XII-2009., 25-XII-2009., 31-XII-2009., 10-I-2010., 26-I-2010., 12-II-2010., 01-III-2010., 22-III-2010., 01-IV-2010., 06-IV-2010., 13-IV-2010., 11-VI-2010., 27-VI-2010., 30-VI-2010., 03-VII-2010., 05-VII-2010., 08-VII-2010., 13-X-2010., 28-XI-2010., 25-I-2011., 28-II-2011., 25-III-2011., Grandparents, 10-V-2011., 14-V-2011., 16-V-2011., 02-VI-2011., 07-VI-2011., 23-VIII-2011., 05-XI-2011., 23-XII-2011., 11-I-2012., 28-I-2012., 30-I-2012., 02-II-2012., 06-II-2012., 15-II-2012., 30-VI-2012., 09-I-2013., 18-I-2013., 22-I-2013., 24-I-2013., 02-II-2013., 15-II-2013., 21-VIII-2013., 15-III-2014., 12-IV-2014., 27-IV-2014., 05-VII-2014., 19-IX-2014., 04-X-2014., 13-X-2014., Blackmailed by the google, 14-X-2014., 16-X-2014., 09-XI-2014., 15-XI-2014., 23-XI-2014., 02-XII-2014., 14-XII-2014., 16-XII-2014., 28-II-2015., 21-VI-2015., 09-IX-2015., 14-IX-2015., 25-IX-2015., 03-X-2015., The big lunch, 15-X-2015., 12-XI-2015., 02-I-2016., 21-II-2016., 02-VII-2016., 20-VIII-2016., 13-X-2016., 14-X-2016., 18-X-2016., They are here, 24-X-2016., 14-XI-2016., 22-XI-2016., 23-XI-2016., 24-XI-2016., 09-XII-2016., 17-XII-2016., 19-XII-2016., 09-XI-2017., 30-XI-2017., 22-I-2018., 13-II-2018., 05-III-2018., 28-IV-2018., 13-V-2018., 04-VII-2020., 13-VII-2020., Alan Ford, banatskaKuća, ćufte, Eleese Aquila (Eleese), Linda Sredljevich Aquilla (Linda), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), nokla, Reinaldo Aquila (Rein), Rosanda Aquilla (Fayes), Ryu (Raja), Sanda Sredljević Aquilla (Sanda), Violet, zmajček, in serbian