
Day two, walked around town, tourists all the way. Attended an organ concert in the Dóm - some good thing to come from these churches. It's been probably my only visit to one this decade. Found a different place to sleep, this time across the river in some nicer apartment, a bit like a novogradnja but actually only one story high (i.e. ground floor plus first floor).

Tereza seems to be a bit too posh for our taste, but we knew that in advance. Her husband seems to take it lightly, with a smile and a bit of subdued humor, biding his time.

We had to find another place to sleep, as the dorm was taken for something that evening. It was across the river... actually the only time ever that I went to that side. Some private accommodation, like a b'n'b but no breakfast.

We returned the next day, with no radar traps.

Mentions: novogradnja, Tereza Mazek, in serbian