Tereza Mazek

(Person, Yugoslavia)

Friend of hers, from work. Not the same department; she was the legal in the committee for social field-of-work (which would include schools, health, culture and other non-production and non-commerce stuff). Her father had a foundry before WWII, which was nationalized afer it, and he was made chief engineer or some other 2nd-in-command post. He later quit and made a little foundry again, in the neighborhood of Živa and Eči.

She always had great ideas of small business to create and run, but would always come down to quitting it because of intrafamilial pressure (probably her dad wouldn't lend her the money to start). She stopped asking me about my opinion when I once asked whether she was asking for what she'd like to hear, or what I really think.

She died around 2008 or so, and then within a few years so did her parents. Daughter is somewhere, married with a kid, plays classic violin. Husband is now alone in that big old house, still teaching violin at the musical high school (just about 200m away from the house) and playing in the city chamber orchestra.

Mentions: 17-VIII-1990., 18-VIII-1990., 03-IX-1990., august 1991., 15-V-1997., 20-V-1998., 28-X-1999., 25-XII-1999., 02-IV-2002., 15-V-2020., 12-VII-2021., Endre Felbab (Eči), house dictionary, Radijator, Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), Vlastimir Uvalić, Živa Ravajlović, in serbian