
Anita is born. At home, just like the others. The midwife came a bit late, but still on time to be at hand.

Whole family was on skype when Go called, around 20:00 our time, so we all got acquainted with the new girl. Blond, big eyed, small mouth, round features. Good luck!

I have about 300 shots of the event - what I screenshot(ted?) on skype, or what the third midwife, aka dežurni photographer, made, plus those of Nina and Raja and Lena also on skype.

BTW, on such a spring day I stumbled upon Ćola and Bjanka in that colorful paintshop near busodrome. Completely out of context, so I don't know whether it was this year or... well, up to 2019. We just recognized each other, were pleased to see each other, chatted briefly. They both look good, as if the 20+ years haven't passed.

Mentions: Anita Jennifer Berger (Anita), Bjanka, Ćola, dežurni, Gorana Sredljević (Go), Jelena Sredljević (Lena), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Ryu (Raja), in serbian