
(Translation, Yugoslavia)

In french original it's "of the day", but... here it means "on duty". The doctor on duty in hospital, a student welcoming visitors in a school, the night shift dispatcher on a bus station or elektrodistribucija, the officer on duty off hours, the pharmacy which works on a holiday... they are all dežurni. And to further stray from the original meaning, it doesn't necessarily last all day, there may be two or three people sharing the post within the day.

There's also the word dežurstvo, the time one spends doing such duty, or the duty itself.

Mentions: 20-VII-1968., 21-VII-1971., and the rest of those days., 16-X-1973., 29-X-1973., 01-XI-1973., 26-XII-1973., 27-IV-1974., Kamenski square, 09-V-1974., Defence and last days, 22-II-1978., 01-III-1978., 01-V-1979., 12-IX-1981., october 1981., 13-XII-1981., 18-XII-1981., 02-VI-1982., 02-VII-1987., 02-IV-1991., 20-II-1992., 09-XII-2000., 26-VIII-2004., 09-VIII-2005., 13-X-2007., 31-XII-2008., 11-IX-2010., 02-IV-2014., 05-IV-2015., 03-VIII-2015., 04-XII-2015., 02-V-2016., 01-II-2021., 01-V-2021., 26-V-2021., 07-VI-2021., 26-VII-2021., 17-X-2022., 07-XI-2022., 28-XI-2022., 16-I-2023., 24-VI-2023., 19-XI-2023., 31-XII-2023., 21-II-2024., in serbian