
Dropped by the pharmacy where Savka used to work (retired as of new year), bought some adult diapers for dad. Asked the girl there how is it without Savka now, she had no clue, never met her at all, she's her replacement.

Also dropped to the post office next door, sent 40000 dinars (in lieu of 360€ due for the "fence and restrengthening the lettering" on the graves) to uncle Staja, because he was so insistent and almost begging, he's got a slava coming on 20th, and has spent a lot of money on this stonemason/engraver and he got a new old car and he needs the money. Nowadays money is sent via mobile phone - I just pay and give his name and mobile number, he then takes the phone to the post office and shows the message with the transaction number; they check the data and just give him the money.

Of course, as soon as I get to dad's, I hear that he knew about this and said that in no case whatsoever I should give any money to uncle Staja. Now you tell me.

Slavica finally called the ambulance to report the case, now that the alcohol is out of dad's body and most of the bruises aren't visible. The last thing we want is some overzealous young newager doc to start asking questions (the answers to all of which would come down to "because he wants it that way"). The amount of feces he produces is enormous, she says, it's quite incredible. He isn't eating anything fourth day in a row. Yesterday she tried to give him some soup but he spat it out and made faces at her.

Paja is usually around two or three times a day, helping himself to brandy at times. Doesn't really drink much nor gets drunk, but eventually she chided him for doing so, so he eventually stopped but accepted whenever offered. She's quite robustly built, but Paja knows the grips, was wrestling once, so he lifts dad to sit. That lasts maybe a minute or two and then he lies down again. Every now and then he asks about the time. Drinks sweet tea by straw, and not much of that either.

Mentions: Paja Čkaljević, Savka Čajkanić, slava, Slavica Istra, uncle Staja, in serbian