Paja Čkaljević

(Person, Yugoslavia)

A neighbor from the backstreet, at dad's. All big talk and wild manners, funny guy, the generation before me (probably 5-6 years older), been everywhere done that all, or so he says. Was a regular customer for dad's (and Vanji's) brandy, his wife too. Half a liter every day. Sometimes he comes, sometimes she. And drinks one or two with dad.

„I speak esperanto as if I was born there“.

Mentions: 14-III-2005., 09-VII-2010., The big return, 25-I-2011., 08-VIII-2011., Mom's funeral, 28-I-2012., 10-I-2017., 13-I-2017., 17-I-2017., 18-I-2017., 19-I-2017., 06-I-2018., 12-I-2018., 31-I-2022., Vilmoš Baranji (Vanji), in serbian