
On sixteenth, with Boća:

I'm waiting for my tax return to come and to then maybe get a second machine, which would then have a pan to fry disks. Maybe I fucked up by taking a deevydee instead of a roaster, but I simply had to see that monster at work :). The deeveedee is phenomenal, except the list of titles is desperately bad - apart from a couple of titles in fashion, which i would probably see at home as well, everything else is the holliwoodlian indurstrial grub and pyrotechnics. They seriously lack Europe, three spoons a day.

Salary grows, eh? Well you're becoming a consumer, it comes to me that the hand[le]* is slowly relaxing :). Greetings!

I had a close encounter with a deevedee in a good working environment, which understood an essbylive what with Desktop theatre... a real experience, specially when the control of the volume is released... thunders and lightens everywhere! As for the titles, you are completely right... I watch movies last months very weakly, on the local television they started running spanish films everydaily, so once Molder finishes, I can enjoy before sleeping. What a difference in the impression... the hollywood grub has became so templated that after 10 minutes I see the shape of the end and then nothing can surprise me anymore. I watched the trailers for some ten new american movies, all dry pyrotechnics and eye lure.

My first digital camera arrived, an Agfa CL50. The first shots were of her and Lena sitting around the round glass table on the terrace, then trying out the zoom while they went to feed the neighbors' cats (they politely asked if we could do it while they were on vacation). The first shot is nowhere (to be lost or found?) but of this one I am pretty sure it was among the first five. The one before this is the same, just black and white, I had to try that.

The apartment came with its own washer and dryer, but she wasn't quite satisfied with how it comes out when dried so, it's somehow stiff. For this little the clothesline is better, at least it gains some fragrance from that forest air.

Got it on eBay, which was in its beginnings then. There was just much trust. I filled in two postal orders (which are money-bearing documents, the post office doesn't transfer money like ours does), because 320$ was more than one would hold, then mailed it to the guy and then he sent me the camera. The whole transaction took 5-6 days between me winning the auction (wasn't much competition then) and the delivery. He was actually a day late because they had a little flood, some 16 inches of rain.

So forget all the lab tricks, recipes for programmers** and fixers, it's a different world now.


* „ručica“ may mean both a little hand and a handle; he may have meant the handbrake.

* well, a developer now means a developing solution (not a solution to a problem, which is under development, the solution, that is, not the problem), and a construction entrepreneur and a programmer who develops software. I took after the latest fashion this time.

Mentions: Agfa, Božidar Sokolović (Boća), Jelena Sredljević (Lena), in serbian

12-XI-2017 - 20-VI-2024