
(Machine, Germany)

My first digital camera, not counting the silly Seiko I borrowed a few times from Zero. A decent thingy for the time, as powerful as it got. True autofocus, not quite capable in bad light, but then they haven't fixed that problem twenty years later either, unless we count the attempts with added light or ultrasound echoing (which fails when shooting through glass). This had the extra lens that it used when focusing, but then I don't see how could that work, unless it had an extra CCD and compared images - but then that kind of solution would put it way above this price range.

It had about 1,3 megapixels, extendable to 1200x1600 via some bad software, which took me a while to understand how limited it was. Whatever had a grainy structure, say pebbles or grass, would end up looking as a tangle of yarn, as it would find linear connections anywhere. It was supposed to intelligently turn each 4x4 pixels into 5x5, which it did, but with this unexpected sideeffect.

It took some five seconds to boot, and about ten to process a shot (or was it more?). Just painting the shot on the little screen took a while, in pure preview mode you could see the line scanning it... six or seven seconds, IIRC. But it fit into a jacket pocket, the batteries held long enough, and it was exactly what I expected (and could afford) at the time.

Couldn't do much of a macro, unless helped with an extra lens. I reshot with it what negatives we brought along, within its first week, using the long lens of that Lindenblatt that Greg gave us, and this selfie was made with my reading glasses.

Mentions: 02-IX-1974., 19-VI-2000., 27-VI-2000., 15-VIII-2000., 20-XI-2000., 19-XII-2000., 13-III-2001., 01-VII-2001., 12-VII-2001., 11-VIII-2001., 02-IV-2002., 19-V-2002., 08-VII-2002., 21-VIII-2002., 11-IV-2003., 21-VI-2003., 12-X-2003., 02-IV-2004., 27-V-2004., 12-VI-2004., Found a house, 20-VI-2004., 05-VII-2004., 13-VII-2004., 26-II-2005., 04-V-2007., Greg Reubenthal, tozna, Zero Distance (Zero), in serbian

20-III-2022 - 25-V-2024