
Both chargers, now

Both chargers, now

The first time we just did nothing for st. Nikola. We're both staunch unbelievers and we indulged my parents, then dad only, while they were alive. This time we had beans third day - she made them on sunday, with tip ribs (špic rebra - špic being german for point as in pointy stick). The ribs aren't as salty as they used to be, everybody wants to keep the water in the meat and sell it at price of meat, Šmrkić being the more notorious among them. Well the other butchers around community center closed shops - we used to have one from klaanca, chicken only of course, then there was Mikula next door, and there's the Chicken Bank kiosk just across. Then klaanca was bankrupted (not "went bankrupt", it was a forced move by the third owner) and Šmrkić took the space; Mikula went to become a pečenjara but did that for only about a year. No matter how good he was, it wasn't profitable enough so he's now renting the space to yet another betting joint. The Chicken Bank is now actually good, and they know her so they don't sell her the stuff from GMO chicken, where each liver was accompanied with at least two hearts.

Amazingly, nobody even tried to call with a "happy slava" so I didn't have to respond with "freedom to the people".

The nice little white keyboard being shot after I tried to wash it (disassembled, washed, dried, put together, didn't even light up the num lock LED), I went to Nena to buy a new one. Well, no, they didn't have such - actually did but now it's missing the media buttons. They had all kinds of gamers' keyboards, some with headset and mouse altogether - but none with media keys. Bought just batteries, rechargeable, model 2700 which means 2600 mAh (lying bastards). Along the way, visited Roda to raise some cash, but that serekeš also developed exchange rates, and the cost would be around 15% - far worse than the 12% which were the reason to ditch OTP in the first place. So long Poštanska, it was nice while it lasted, so it's now only Vojvođanska that's left.

The loooong belgian conversion is more than six months old now, and I'm doing some cryo sheets, which are the expected mess. This will go beyond february. The original scope was finished by october (the imaginary deadline that Jan set quite correctly), and then more requests came, more analyses, more details to iron out, and now this cryo business. Oh, well, it's not even boring.

In the evening, Nina called with some news. She had the checkup with the midwives (she's in the third trimester now) and judging by the rapid growth of the belly, the ease with which the doppler found fetal heart on both sides, and with her internal sense that baby's motion is all over the place... it's either one rather big baby or there are two of them. With the latter being the more likely explanation.

Sleeping almost normal now - no naps today, got to bed around 23:00 and got up before 9.

Mentions: Jan Brenkelen, klaanca, Nevena Sredljević (Nina), Nevena Žaja (Nena), pečenjara, serekeš, slava, in serbian