
Spent all day inviting people. We'll hold a commemoration to dad next friday. Usually it's the last saturday before the day, but religion. The 13th is the so-called serbian new year, which everyone loves to brag about but I don't know anyone who actually celebrates it. We surely never did. The 20th is st John or some such, and we seem to remember it's uncle Staja's slava, so he wouldn't be able to come. Anyway, we tried 13th first, but when I got to debelamačka, Smilja said she's got a baptizing at noon so she's full. Can do friday. I called home and we agreed - pretty much anyone who's to come is retired (except the two ladies from Vršac, but we've seen them enough last year). So friday it will be. Went around the neighborhood, invited whomever I should (specially Paja)

Mentions: debelaMačka, Paja Čkaljević, slava, uncle Staja, in serbian