
Last night we celebrated a little... our 45th anniversary. Not of marriage, that'll be 39 soon, but since we met. Groomed ourselves a bit, and then I discovered I ran out of underpants. The six she bought couple of years ago, along with the surviving two from that batch I bought before returning from the US, were all among the dirty laundry. So there were only two things to do.

In the morning she filled the washer and I got into the car, went to the big market, and bought a dozen, from Arilje. Didn't bother paying the parking (even though I brought my cell phone, can't pay without it, brought even my glasses to be able to read the little screen), because with just three cars on the lot, nobody bothers to check.

In other news, Nina and hers have moved to this new apartment, not so deep in downtown Manilla, this is a rather big gated community (a couple of kilometers across), the place seems to be nice. Bathrooms both upstairs and downstairs, so she doesn't have to negotiate the stairs every time, and the staircase isn't as bad as in Ender's brother-by-uncle's apartment where they stayed previously. Not quite clear why it had to have two floors when it was on the 9th - it seems they built the whole skyscraper with concrete floorboards on every 2nd floor, and then whoever wants to buy needs to fill the space - so they somehow figured this is the better use of space (specially with no bathroom upstairs). Weird.

The only problem are the mosquitos, but that got solved within two days, only after the kids got a serious number of bites.

Mentions: Ender Aquila (Ender), Nevena Sredljević (Nina), in serbian