
For some reason I thought this was months earlier, but no, my hear is cropped to collar level, beard relatively short and with that mid-chin strip grown equal... so this must be the day.

Arpi was engaged with Ružica, in Čurda. The party was in their home, where we know practically noone, except it turned out that the allegedly long-lost father of Magi was there (and tried to be as friendly with us as possible, and yes it seems she got the red hair from him). Also some woman who was sort of famous in our neighborhood - Đuđa will later have mouthfuls to tell about her (and vice versa, probably). She was involved with someone here, on and off, plus there was some property dispute - was she divorced from a neighbor here, or just a lodger, dunno and don't care.

Ružica looks pretty and has that way of looking at you that seems to radiate sincerity and curiosity.

From our side, she with oma and dad, plus tanti and a couple of Arpi's friends.

Mentions: Arpad Gunaroši (Arpi), Čurda, Đurđa Rođanović (Đuđa), Margita Gunaroši (Magi), oma, Ružica, tanti, in serbian