
(aside: it's now 2018 and I've ported this whole app to fox under wine on Linux, so can't use the oBrowser object - it's a wrapper on an instance of IE, ergo shit, so I've turned it around to output all the documents - images, emails, videos, sounds, chats, sezam - for the day, into one huge html file... and picked this date at random, just to test it. This is what I found)

On UA, replying to one of the cop brothers (whom I later put on ignore, for ultra-right nuke-them-to-stone-age attitude):

Few years ago, there was a thread here, "what would you wish yourself as a present", and I wanted a mp3 player for the car. And they came within a year (actually don't know what took them so long). Not that I have a real mp3 player in the car - the stealability makes it inattractive - but I have one of those where you plug an auxiliary sound source, and my regular mp3 disc player goes in there (which also means I can use it when traveling by other means).

My problem that this solved was the advertisements on any radio, including NPR - their ads are different only in style, they don't shout at you, and don't advertise any particular product, they only advertise their major donors as such. And advertise themselves way too often, for my taste.

On illegal immigration:

I'd surely like to see all these people becoming either legal or shipped back - but make the whole process easier. And it's not only a terrorism or crime issue. Having so many people without proper papers is trouble for anything involving them - from drivers' licenses to taxes to them not being able to help the police even if they want to. You have 11 million people who can't behave normally, because their status is not normal. They'll try to stay below any radar, which then skews any statistics, demographics and what not. In a world where 1% of anything may mean the difference between profit or not, you get about 0.3% of general population (and what percentage is that of working population?) that is off the charts.

While illegals may be good for the businesses that hire them, they actually cost everybody else. Since it's impossible to make them vanish from the system, then it's better to have them regularly within it.

Nick: The fund drives are the worst. I basically keep the car radio on other stations during those times. I have donated but can't stand listening to the pleas for a week or two straight.

Me: And, just like other beggars, you know they won't stop if you give to them, but rather become more agressive, hoping for more. I'd gladly pay an extra dollar on my taxes just to have a radio station that won't have any advertisements at all. Including these four weeks a year when they practically do nothing much but beg.

And I'm curious about how does the identity of the hypothetical "you" in your question influence the answer in the two possible cases:

case 1: you are m$

case 2: you are not.

I remember from the times when I was working in software companies, that m$ always got away with worse bugs than I did :). I can't count how many times I said "had I written this, they'd hang me".

From email to mom and dad:

Đuđa is now really old, her hearing is even worse than dad's. Can't explain anything to her, and she still won't buy a hearing aid, says she hears everything fine, yeah right when they are all shouting at her "like donkeys".

My gig with Paige is not just a passing trifle this time, just the invoicing is a 1000$ thing. The other gig, with Joe is also going fine, though I can't charge him as much - just writing the initial version of an Inno setup, and teaching him to do so himself, so just 200$.

Mentions: Đurđa Rođanović (Đuđa), fox, Joe Dioballato, Majkrosoft (m$), Nick Greene, Paige S Stevenson, sezam, UbiquAgora (UA), in serbian