
In the morning I didn't manage to synchronize my peeing with desired wakeup time, i.e. went to pee twice during the night, and so woke up around ten, when she came (on bike). She brought some burek and yogurt, so we had breakfast and then went on to distill the last of this year's brandy. We had two batches, which should have been the same, as we filled them at the same time, pretty much half and half, but no. From the first one we got 8 liters, but only 5 from the other. I drank at least two liters of water, and she had the one remaining beer from the party. The three big two-liter bottles remained untouched, though.

So we concluded the season with 77,2 liters of brandy. Except the first 13 liter of cherry, everything else is tutifruti. This year we never had enough of anything else to gather a whole batch of just one fruit, so we just mixed them up as they came.

The kettle was a bit burnt inside, not even close to what it used to, but I decided to give it a thorough scrub before packing it in for the winter. Next weekend.

When we packed (her bike is trained and almost packs itself into the trunk of the saxo) and wanted to go home, I discovered that Jozda wasn't the first to run out of power - I was. It's just that I wasn't notified until now. We tried to give it a push, but it didn't work, there wasn't enough to light a spark. So neighbors helped, first trying for a better push (didn't work), then with a battery charger (probably would have worked but would take 30 minutes), then the other neighbor came and he had the cables. So we thanked everybody and off we went. Then I went to fill the tank and bought jumper cables. Because, comrades, the phenomenon seems to be spreading, we had two cases in a day, this must be nipped in the bud.

Mentions: burek, Jovan Zdanić (Jozda), saxo, yogurt, in serbian