
(Translation, Yugoslavia)

You can find definitions on the web, with pictures, or just come to anywhere within ex-Yu and eat one.

It's always easy to create a diplomatic incident with B & Herzegovina, by simply mentioning burek with cheese. Touches a nerve there.

It's the basic fuel of the economy. The perfect breakfast (provided there's yogurt too). We can't work if, at crucial moments, burek can't be found.

A drunk night out ends with a hot burek whenever the nearest baker opens his shop at around 4 or 5 AM.

Mentions: november 1970., until 18th, 20-V-1973., 01-XI-1973., 27-IV-1974., Kamenski square, 18-III-1975., may 1984., 15-XI-1987., 07-VI-1988., Ljubljana, 03-XII-1998., 05-XII-1998., 23-IV-2002., 15-XII-2004., 28-VIII-2010., 15-XII-2010., 30-VIII-2014., 06-VI-2018., 07-VI-2018., 30-VI-2018., 16-IX-2018., 21-X-2019., 06-IX-2020., 12-IX-2020., 03-III-2021., 11-IX-2021., The annual party, 27-IX-2021., Sokobanja, 20-XI-2021., Walnut, gone, 22-XII-2021., 12-VIII-2022., 02-X-2023., 05-V-2024., 31-V-2024., 08-VI-2024., Gradivoj Sredljević, popravni, yogurt, in serbian

21-XI-2019 - 30-VI-2024